Thursday, July 15, 2010

Malaysia-Indonesia Jointly Hosting World Cup 2024

Today's biggest joke I read on newspaper in the morning is that Malaysia has the intention to host the World Cup 2024 jointly with our neighbour, Indonesia. After reading it I can't stop but laugh my ass out because since when Malaysia can call themselve a world class soccer team, and when have they perform to the level of thinking of hosting the world most prestige tournament.

Just look at our ranking in the world. We ranked no 140++ at the moment, and do we expect them to jump all the way up to somewhere in the top 60 or 70 in the world, and can Malaysia Tiger ever perform consistantly throughout the years in order for FIFA to consider Malaysia as the contenders for World Cup competition.

Come on you bunch of day dreamers, hosting a World Youth tournament doesn't mean you are world class, and entitle you to apply for hosting the WC tournament. Youth competition is by far much harder than youth because this is a man's game, not child game. South Africa can stage the World Cup because they do possess some good quality players and they ranked not too bad in the world.

If by 2024, an Asian country is to host the World Cup, I think there are much better and more qualified countries waiting to host the tournament, and I think Malaysia should just forget the idea of staging this tournament at all, first because it's a waste of time and money and secondly Malaysia will be the laughing stock of the world if they are to apply for hosting the tournament.

Malaysia who? Oh... that blardy ONE MALAYSIA thingy ar!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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