Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Finger pointing

BN has lost its 2nd by-election successively to opposition party and now it's a finger pointing games within BN and its component parties! Why do BN lost 2 by-election successively? Why people choose PR rather than BN now? There must be something in it or else people will continue to have faith with them.

So from this we know people are losing faith with BN and also from newspaper and other media sources, BN until today still never learnt where has gone wrong, and they are starting to finger pointing to each other as cause of failure.

So luckily BN lost yet again to Pakatan Rakyat and with this trend continuing, I think BN will soon collapse and i can see no way back for BN unless they have a total change of leadership, thinking and also mut be prepare to accept lost with more open heart and gratefully accepting criticisms.

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