Sunday, July 12, 2009

Discount for Frequent Users

Our PM announced 11 new packages on the 11th of July, at 11:11am which will bring good to national economy and consumers. One of them is that frequent highway users will get 20% rebate.

What he meant by frequent users are those uses more than 80 times a month. This suppose is a good news to road users as we have been suffering for the past 20-30 years. But what he didn't mention is how would this discount works?

Are we entitle for 20% discount after 80 times a month used of highway or we automatically get 20% discount or rebate on all the previously used amount into the touchngo card? This is a very subjective issue, and until he properly define the term, we should not feel happy about these chunk news.

For example, if we entitle 20% discount on those used after 80 times a month, e.g. average RM2 per tol used. We would spent RM160 before entitle to get the rebate. if I used 82 times that month, do I get rebate of RMRM1.60 or RM32.80? There's a hell lot of difference between the two.

That's why I said not to feel happy too early! My gut feeling is that Najib just trying to maintain his good rating for the time being because there's too many negative news about his leadership! Till then, I would only hear and wait to see what happen next. You?

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