Tuesday, January 19, 2010


How can we determine the piracy issue on songs, movies, CDs, DVDs etc? If any copied song/movie is called pirated, then I bet every single person will have it in their possession.

One of our minister said today if they ever found any pirated CD, song or movie in their possession, they would charge them with the piracy act, which mean you will be fined RM2,000.00 for each song/movie/software.

I think this is another f***ing way for those begger policemen to get money out from us, the poor citizens. This is outrageous, and doesn't make sense at all. Imagine police will just set up any road block anywhere, anytime on any one passing or within their eyesight to inspect on them, sure they will find 99.9 out of 100 in them with the possession of "pirated" stuffs.

So lads, please be extra2 careful when you out on the street, or even in your house or car.

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