Friday, January 8, 2010

Who Should Responsible for Church Bombings

Who should be blame for these church bombing incidents? Why are there such coward people outthere who would threaten others in such manner? For me I think Najib, Muhydin and Hishamudin should be assume full responsible for this. Another is the Police chief, Musa Hasan.

The reason being the mentioned morons allow some organisation to protest openly in public, and yet there isn't any action taken against them. If you still remember not so long ago where Pakatan Rakyat's MPs just having a public gathering or public speeches somewhere, these people straighaway issue a warrant to arrest those who refused to dismiss or move away from the venue.

Is this what we call "1Malaysia"? It is a very serious double standard against the opposition, and until today they still think we, the citizens are blind and stupid. One side they mentioning the 1Malaysia unity, the other side they are acting against those who disobey them. This is what they call unity, fair and transparent!

If not because those so call minister allow the public open demonstration to go ahead, I think this church bombing incident would not happen. Only if Musa Hasan order his team to arrest those gather illegally and act cowardly in public will there be no such incidents happen. Only if Najis and Muhyddin are strongly disallow them to take law into their own hand there wouldn't be such incidents happened.

So they are the culprits should be take full responsibility of these incidents. What you think?

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