Sunday, September 2, 2007

Mat Rempits are BACK!!!

It has been some time since our country's lovely Mat Rempit news appear on newspaper. After some quiet time, our lovely Mat Rempit gangs re-appeared again. This time they strike during Malaysia's National Day celebration to causing all sort of troubles, including hiting and beating police patrol car, doing dangerous stunts on the road etc.

Why are these people endanger other road users' life by doing so? Aren't they have nothing to do except causing these problems? Or is there anyone paying them to do so publicly? Those we won't know and we will never know. What we know is that this scenario is getting worse day by day and I'm afraid it will explode uncontrollably.

I remember a famous minister once said during a conference that he/she was once youth and that it is normal for youth to carryout such action in public. Why would the minister said so? What's the motive behind the speech? Is he/she trying to convey a message to Mat Rempit telling them to carry on doing so as this is nothing wrong and that no law enforcers would interfere with such kind of actions? This minister too mentioned "Don't marginalise these Mat Rempits. They may one day become a prime minister!" Let me ask a question; What sort of contribution these Mat Rempits contribute to our country? An international racer? A
world champion in motorbike stunts? Malaysian version of Valentino Rossi (who I call Ahmadino Roshidi)? Or perhaps Makeel Shumaker?

It is easier to say than do in becoming a prime minister, in fact how much they (Mat Rempits) actually know in how to manage a big group of company let alone a country? How much they know about company's need for improvement or human resources or budget/costing etc? There are hundreds of thousands of things that you need to know before you can actually lead a group of people, let alone such a big country. How could you imagine a country's management if a 'lucky' Mat Rempit is to become Prime Minister? I really wouldn't dare to even think near it!

Now that things has gone too far and beyond authority's control, what kind of drastic action is needed to curbing down these dangerous acts so that we can live in a peacceful environment, we will not feel fear when driving at night, walking along streets and so on? Authority must now take a very drastic action against these Mat Rempits and say "Enough is enough!" so that they will know there are someone who's looking after their act and they will fear for their life if authority starting to stamp their mark to take down these culprits and jail room is awaiting them should they get caught.

Above are my view of these culprits and should you have any comments, feel free to send in your comments and I would be greatly accepting it!

I Love Malaysia and hope for a peaceful Malaysia

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