Sunday, September 23, 2007

Should Abdullah Badawi give up Internal Security Post

Our PM, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is currently holding Internal Security Minister post together with Prime Minister and Finance Minister. Now has come to a serious question, should he give up the Internal Security Minister post for other more suitable and capable candidates?

There are so many mild to serious cases all around the country that is happening, and yet Badawi can still enjoying his 2nd marriage honeymoon life with err.... who, Jen or something like that. Come on man! As a PM you don't do that kind of things in public to pleased or show your careness side, but you should instead look into what's happening around your country and think of how to solve the problems if any.

Of course as per his advisors, his country is in good shape and there's no need to panic. As compare to a lot of countries, we are still a safe country to live, our economy is still growing and there are plenty of opportunity for our people here to explore. All these are lies and untrue that's been inform or declare by Badawi, who I think is not really aware what is important and what lies ahead of him to settle.

Another famous tunes for Malaysia is whenever there's something happen, they will come out with a new set of law to counter it. What's the meaning of creating new law after incidents happened? Why don't you think of it before it happened and set a law that will punish sich offenders heavily so that before they conducted their crimes, they will think not only twice or trice, but many many more times.

So if Pak Lah really care for the country, he should step down from Finance Minister and Internal Security Minister posts so that others taken over will have more time and more capable to solve all problems in a better manner and quicker

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