Monday, September 22, 2008

Boycott Petronas

Let's boycott petronas!

Government said Petronas revenue is affected by the recent fuel price dropped and as a result we will have to wait to see how much affected its revenue before deciding on how much our fuel price will come down!

When international fuel price gone up from USD95+ to USD135, they increased fuel price by 41% without 2nd thought. Government also mentioned Petronas is an independent company and its revenue has no involvement in government's decision on fuel price increase.

Now when fuel price came down to under USD100, by common sense fuel price should drop to at least the region of RM2.00 per litre. But our stupid, childish, naive asshole PM reminded all MALAYSIANS, yes Malaysians not to forget that Petronas's revenue too were affected by the fuel price drop, so we could not expect the same level of fuel price like before!

Bullshit! When increase it's independent! When drop, revenue takes into consideration! Fuck off Pak Lah! Go back to your bloody economic school, language school to start all over again your bloody knowledge!

Here I am urging all people to boycott PETRONAS! Don't fill at Petronas station!


Anonymous said...

u know what kind of person ask u to pray to god before taking exhaustive steps to address the issue first. Also being exporter of oil why would he say prey the priced go down ? Shouldn't higher international prices be good for exporter. Liken this to a cancer stricken person I'd like doing nothing n praying. The person shod seek all steps first then if all fails pray at least that will be physiologically comforting.

Anonymous said...

Please lah, don't fcuk him so hard. The poor guy is about to lose his job. At night he can't sleep n he can't fcuk his not so new wife cos of erection problem. Give him chance lah.

Rauff said...

I never buy petronas~ I go to Shell. :D