Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Swooping of Power

Today Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced that he is swapping his Finance Minister post with Najib's Defence Minister. What's the real motive for this swoop? Is it really for the testing time for Najib before he officially taking over AAB as Malaysia PM?

I doubt the above very much as we've all seen too many too much happened within the space of a week, and our country is now in chaos totally. Even Army chief is voicing his unhappiness about our current situation, and that's an area which Pak Lah has no control of, and which the control belongs to Najib to a certain extend.

So as per Defecto leader Anwar Ibrahim said, he's already negotiated and agreed with a "very important" MP for the overturn of government. Pak Lah may think this person is Najib Razak, which prompted him to seek power swapping and so he can gain total control of police, internal security and also army for Malaysia.

This in turn also indicates that he doesn't trust Najib no more, and he's doing everything he could now, regardless of the consequences might be to try staying in power. He may even issue a warrant to arrest Anwar Ibrahim under ISA because he's already saying that Anwar's recent act has disstabilised Malaysia and also affecting our country's economic.

All these are bullshits, and he's merely making an excuse so he could enforce the ISA to arrest Anwar. He's now already felt the power of the De Fecto leader and if he doesn't act this way, he could see his time as Malaysia Premier comes to an abrupt end very soon. In order to defy all these, he will need to act such way, no other alternative for him anymore because we MALAYSIANS doesn't trust him no more too!

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