Saturday, November 15, 2008

Crack Down on Mat Rempits

It has been long overdue for the bloody police forces to crack down on these bastards. For long we've heard these bunch of idiots are causing all sort of problems on the streets, and because of the public backing from one of the stupid bitch MP, Azalina, they became more daring and take law and authority into their own hands.

Today's paper read police force will start to crack down on such group of people, who's causing public unrest, danger to other road passerby, users etc. The question is this has been happening for years, and why only the police forces act now?

Isn't it a little too late, too little they could do to prevent such things happening? From my point of view, police forces has been sleeping in the station all these while, and because of their reluctantness to act, mat rempits were just ignoring all the calls to stop and behave themselve. At the end no one would do nothing about them. So who cares!

Now things are getting out of control, only the police wanted to act. I just wondering why are the government still paying them salary for? Oh I forgot! They were getting paid to catch those make public comment against government, detain those who disagree with government's policies, catch those who's endangering their position, faking evidences against people who serve the opposition party.

This is what Malaysia's Police Forces are all about. They do nothing about public safety, they do nothing about caring for the society, they do everything for drinking coffee, they ask for everything is you were found against some slightest rules. That's what they are good at. Besides there's nothing they know!

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