Tuesday, May 25, 2010

KTM Land Exchanges for Development in Singapore

Is it suppose to be a good news that Najib surrendered the long disputed KTM land to Singapore after yesterday's meeting with Singapore Premier, Lee Shien Long? Why is the long disputed issue being agreed so fast with Lee and the agreement is not properly announced?

We, Malaysian should be more protected by the government, and as I believe, the piece of land parcel along the railway, belongs to KTM and also Malaysia. Why did Najib surrendered so easily to Singapore the prime piece of land in exchange of the development of that piece of land?

What if Singapore do not intend to develop that piece of land, instead of developing some land just nearby? What are they going to get at the end of the day? Although Najib announced Malaysia will own up 60% of the co-joint company, but the development is still situated in Singapore, and I have the strong feeling that Singapore is not going to develop that piece of land so easily, and let Malaysia enjoying the benefits.

Maybe the government will get something out of this deal, and we, the tax payers are being So Hai again, paying taxes for them to korek out of bank negara's pot into their own pocket....

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