Thursday, February 14, 2008

Is this bribery

Government has been approving many projects, like build new chinese school, together with some upgrading, then additional fund for facilities improvement being handed out immediately. All this indicates that GE is just around the conner and that government is doing its best to give out sweets to public in the hope to attract more votes towards them.

In another way, they are bribing the public into voting them, and yet they can get away with it without any hassel. If an opposition party doing the same, they are classified as giving bribes to public.

Why Malaysia will have such double standard law? Government and opposition doing the exact same thing, yet the intepretion is totally different. When government doing it is call looking after of taking care of public. When opposition doing it, they are call bribing the public into voting them during GE.

So we are all fed-up with this government since god know how long ago. Whatever they said we just listen. If we do not agree, just keep to ourself. This way will save us from a lot of trouble. Hope you all smart voters should know where your vote should be casted into.

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