Friday, May 1, 2009

Government Hospital Services

A deputy MP saw it with his very own eyes, and he's even pinpointed out what's seen and what's going on within the theatre room. More than 20 patients were waiting for treatment, while the two doctors were either settling own issues and reading newspaper.

When thing exposed, the bastard Liow Tiong Lai said it's a misunderstanding and misleading sentences were used that causing the misunderstanding from public. It's all bullshit and he's trying to cover up their shameful act.

I don't think ones can misintepreted reading and just happen to look at it, and why is he bother to covering for the shameful irresponsible person? I'll be very worry if I ever has to go to government hospital because of this! Life is more precious than this and we do not wish bad things to happened to any patients.

But this is not the case for Malaysia Health Ministry and also the Health Minister, Dr Liow!

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