Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Petrol Coming

Last week consumer's department announced that there will be a "new" type of petrol to be seen on road. It is called Ron 95, as compared to the previous used Ron 92. This "new" type fuel is actually being widely used in overseas, and we, Malaysia now only bringing it in to use.

This has shown how far we are lacking behind those advance country, and our Vision 2020 aims seems a distance goal yet. So are we on track to achieve the Vision 2020?

Secondly is the fuel prices. they annouced the fuel price would increase by Sept 09, which is the first time in Malaysia history I guess, that they made an annoucement few months prior to the price increase.

But I am just wondering is the crude oil price increase above the set mark? If not why are they increase the fuel price? Maybe this is not their fault as the promise was made by former domestic trade minister.

I think this is just a start for the price hike among the consumer fields, and we can expect more item price hike in due course. So be ready for all this, as we had been informed few months earlier. For those who think they can no longer survive, or earn enough, this is the time for you to look for a new, higher paid job in order to break even the increase in living standard!

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