Sunday, December 9, 2007

Country's Image affected!

Street Demos has hampered Malaysia's image in the international stage. For whichever country a street demostration will surely bring bad image to the country, be it advance country or developing country.

There were few street demonstrations happened in Malaysia recently, and this has brought our country's name temporarily famous, but for the wrong reason. Such act will scare off foreign investors, as well as affecting our peaceful life in Malaysia as a multi-racial country and society.
With such demostrations going on and off the time, we would not feel safe going out on street, we afraid to meet someone trying to brainwash you to support their act etc.

So isn't there be any better way of voicing their dissatisfactions? Is it true only foreigners can voice out our dissatisfaction on our behalf? Why would we involve foreign parties to such act, when there can be a better solution within ourselve.

Initially I thought it was true that our government treated different races unfairly, but things has got out of control and from what I'd heard, our people has been supported by foreign parties to carryout such street demos so their problems are being look into.

As a smart Malaysian, we must be clear and smart enough to judge who's right and who's wrong. People supporting you and urging you to do certain things doesn't really mean what they said. We must be clear and rasional to know what's right and wrong.

Hopefully problems could und a solutions or answer sooner rather than later and that no such street demos will hapen again.

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