Friday, December 28, 2007

Police On The Bike!

Today as I was coming back from office on one of the packed and jammed road in KL city, I noticed a siren sound, which turn out to be a policeman on the bike urging motorists to give way to one of the Orang Besar.

The first thing went thru my mind is that: Who the hell is that needing a police escort to break free the traffic to allow his stupid car to pass by? At that time, the traffic was grid lock and there have hardly any space to move, let alone to give way to the policeman. So no one really care, and guess what happen next, the police went over each car started staring and scolding at them urging them to give way.

To me this is a very rude and "Kurang Ajar" act. When I was in UK, even the PM (Tony Blair then) need to go thru traffic just like other ordinary people when traffic is jam, unless there's an important function going on, which don't happen often in UK. Plans will be set out and 1-2 days prior to the event, the access road will normally be prepared for these VIPs to pass by.

So it is a very embarassing act that some "Important VIP" had misuse of their power to such extend they don't care for other motorists who'd been stuck in traffics for long, and for their own convenient sake, they sacrifices other motorists' safety and rights to use the road.

So hopefully government will change such law (in which they are best at) that no special VIP will be given previlage for road usage. And Government should allow those who capture traffic offencer.

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