Thursday, December 13, 2007

Will Arrest Calm Things Down?

ISA had begins their act to arrest those involved in the recent assemblies. But will the arrest really calm things down? Will the demonstrator be hold back after arrest?

Maybe they will, but to certain extend this arrest will surely infuriated the demonstrators, as the arrest is unjustify and it's like an act of coward, communisms. Arrest without evident, and could be jailed up to 5 years. This is rather like cowboy style of act by arresting whoever is suspicious of involving in the assemblies and marchings without clear evident against them, and in the hope that by doing so others will be restrain in doing so.

Other demonstrators sure will not want to end up in jail, but at the same time, they are just like another time bomb on the run, and who knows what they will do and act in near future, and what make it worse is that there may be turn into some kind of unneccessary violent or riot acts everywhere.

These people are just demanding for a clean and fair elections, wanted to voice their opinion, let the authority know what they felt of, but all these were taken away and being deem as an act of disloyalty, inpatriotic to country, betryal of country etc.

If ISA persist on doing so I'm afraid things might turn from bad to worse, and also it could be seen as planted time bomb all around. When things get out of control, I couldn't imagine what will happen. Just wait and see

1 comment:

zewt said...

let's what and see what awaits all of us...