Thursday, April 15, 2010

Premier League Association Helping Chelsea To EPL Title

Believe it or not, I believe this year's EPL title is heading towards west London of Stamford Bridge because of the helping hand of Premier League Association. This is not by guessing but from data collected from recent matches between Chelsea and others.

If you still remember, last two weeks Chelsea has been given the lady luck in all their matches. They escape punishment for foul committed, their opposition is not awarded penalties eventhough clear cut visibility of hand ball or fouls inside the box went unpunished. They also score several "off side" goals, which not suppose to be there.

From all these matches, if referee can hold their nerve and act accordingly, Chelsea would lose up to 9 points in total, and this will heavily affect their chance of claiming the EPL title. But with the help of Premier League referees, they are able to obtained points doesn't belong to them.

This is just a small part of theory I gather, and I believe if we study further, there will be more evident that English Premier League will try everything they could to help Chelsea wins the Premier League title, and prevent the unprecedented 4th consecutive title from Man Utd or the 1st title for Arsenal in 5 years.

Maybe Roman Abramovich has paid some of their salary so title would return to his cabinet once more, or maybe Man Utd are too broke to pay any of their entertainment fees or gunners too young to know how to win the league title.

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