Tuesday, January 22, 2008

11th Hr Declared Holiday!

Abdullah Badawi announced Taipusam as public holiday on the 11th hour, and for majority of employees this must be good news for them as they could enjoy an extra day of leave, but for employers, it must be a pain in the arse because their works has been interrupted. Me too as I had lined up some appointments for the day and yesterday receive calls from various parties to have the appointments cancelled.

This has shows that there's no planning from Badawi and he's doing so because election is coming and that he tried to attract the few more votes from certain community. If he has been planning for this he would have been announcing it long ago so that works can be well prepared and arrangement is being made accordingly.

Now with the sudden announcement, thousands of works were interrupted and there certainly have some impact on work progress. So from now on we must learn to always have plan B and/or plan C just in case similar thing happened again.

Malaysia BOLEH! BADawi BOLEH! Absulluh BOLEH!

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