Thursday, January 3, 2008

What's actually happened to Chua Soi Lek?

Just for purely discussion and personal opinion. What's happened to Chua Soi Lek? How can he being caught in such scam? Is he being framed or he's asking it himself? All questions asked above might not have the true answer unless the person tell himself what's actually happened.

As Health Minister of the country, Chua should be more careful with his public image and more so what he's doing because all politicians' behavious is under everyone's eyes whether intentionally or unintentionally. Maybe he is unfortunate to be caught in such scam and that he has no choice but to step down whatever the public think of him, good or bad. Even Bill Clinton couldn't escape the wrath when his affair with Monica Lewinski erupted then, and to make matter worse, Malaysia is a Muslim country and this thing should not be happened to a person as Chua's status.

So question now is whether Chua did it with his knowledge of the camera's existence? Has someone trying to force him stepping down? Has he upsetting people that he has no escape route but to step down respectfully or like the way he did it? Whatever the reason it may be, being caught in the video cam recording of such act, I would say he deserve what he received and I do sympatise him a lot because it will be a big lost to MCA and all chinese community. Chua SL is such a good leader and outspoken with facts and proves, but all his reputation built since taking over from the previous Chua, Jui Meng were dashed by this incident and there will be no way back for him ....... for the forseeble future at least.

So let's get on with life and let what happened happen, and if the person involved would like to tell the truth, then we will listen, or else just move on with our respective life.

Just my 2 cents opinion

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