Thursday, January 10, 2008

Co-Ed School Issue

It is shocking to hear that a Secondary Co-Ed school actually implemented a segregated boys and girls policy. Who on earth will implement such stupid rules, and who on earth that actually approve such disgusting rules?

Now finger pointing is all towards the mentioned school's headmaster. But is he really the person responsible for this? According to a teacher from the school, such rules were made compulsary at the end of last year's educational day, and implementation was carried out at the beginning of this educational year.

Maybe he/she was right that the headmaster insisted to such change of rules. But what if the headmaster receive an order to carryout such change, yet not telling the teacher or anyone in the school? Probably he's the scapegoat for such scandal, and there are someone trying their luck at such changes, if no objection implementation will be broaden to elsewhere.

Another issue with this is what kind of thinking and mindstate of such person to suggest this rule? We are in the 21st century and if boys and girls needed to be separated from every activities, why don't they impose it in company all around that offices should be divided into 2 for men and women, including all foodcourt, carpark etc.

In all I would only say the person who suggested this idea of segregated boys and girls is an old fashioned, stupid and non-exposure to outside world kind of person. He may be living in his 'wonderland' all his life and that has cause him with such thinking.

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