Sunday, November 4, 2007

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Jeanne Badawi!

It is quite funny that our PM's wife told reporters that she is meant to be together with Abdullah Badawi. What's the purpose of telling the nation of this? I can't figure it out other than make me think Badawi actually was having affairs with Jeanne long before Badawi's first wife's (Endon) death.

How long after Endon's death that Badawi re-married with Jeanne? If they don't have any affairs, how can it be so quick that Badawi married her? Why she's telling the nation they meant to be together? If they really meant to be together, while Endon still alive, what will happen? Badawi divorcing Endon and marry with Jeanne? Is that what is suppose to happened?

Being the wife of a country's PM, she suppose to be wise enough to watch what she said. Rather than talking about some current affairs, she's telling all about her private life. It looks like everyone in the country is interested in knowing how Badawi manage to get Jeanne's heart, how romantic Badawi can be, what kind of food he likes etc.

Come on! I think all nation is concern about what is happening in surrounding, what's the current affairs etc, not what's happening with our PM in his cozy home, what's he doing at home etc. So to hear someone of Jeanne's status saying such childish comments is shocking and it prove that Badawi and Jeanne doesn't really knowing what's happening around them up to this date!

I really feel sorry for both of them!

P/s: My apology if mis-spell Mrs. Badawi's name as Jeanne.

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