Sunday, November 4, 2007

Malaysia's "Can-or-Naut"

Finally Dr. Shek back to earth after few day's travelling to the space, funded by Malaysian tax payers' money! Surely he enjoy the trip of his life, where a lot of people can only envy. So now the nation is quiet on this and hopefully this will only be the one and only time. No more space traveller from Malaysia ever again!

It is funny enough that Malaysia's thinking of expanding their research, or funding for the space mission, yet they have not got a clue what they are doing (Sorry to say but that's my gut feeling telling me this).

It is extremely unlucky that the test sample carried out in space were damaged during the landing, and that we might need another trip to ISS before the test result can be concluded. (Huh... luckily for Dr. Shek, no report is needed from you for now at least)

At the same time, China has launch their own rocket up to space, and towards moon. All they used is their local engineers, local parts, local technology and their local people. They successfully send their man up to space twice by using their own creative rocket, and their astronaut returned earth safely.

I'm not saying how good the Chinese is, but only how lousy Malaysian could be. We (tax payers) are funding the government a wasteful project to send a "Can-Or-Naut" to space, just to show our national flag in the ISS, yet they are cheering during the take-off, activity in space, and the return of the Can-Or-Naut without noticing it's actually our hard earn money that's spent like burning waste papers. Those money could be better off spend on other aspects like public service improvement etc

So folks, please wake up and realise that a lot of this government's project are actually notes printing machine to them, and we are the machine that's printing notes to them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear your complains but what are you personally going to do about this?!