Thursday, November 15, 2007

SMART Tunnel

When I listen to news this mornin, and was shocked to hear that SMART Tunnel is not meant for car/vehicle usage. This is the statement released from Drainage and Irrigation Dept. (DID)

If SMART tunnel is not meant for car use, they should design from the beginning that no public road to go through and only for flood water diversion. Moreover the tunnel conssts of 2 or level, which the top level is for car used, and the 2nd and 3rd level is for flood water diversion.

It will not cause confusion if they say temporarily lower level of tunnel still incomplete and hence top level is use for water diversion. If SMART tunnel is designated for flood water diversion, and not traffic diversion, why would they plan for the toll plaza at th entrance and exit of the tunnel in the first place? Why are they plan for the tunnel to go thru one of the busiest road around to diversify some of the traffic? I think plans are there to build a tunnel to diversify traffic as well as flood water when needed.


twosuperheroes said...

yeah bro.. i've been pissed off too.. coz the traffic come 2nd.. thats the problem, when the flood came they forgot about the traffic.. (the Star also report the same thing)

p/s : they charge RM2 to tanggung their cost ( why must we tanggung for them ) .. i posted a complaint yesterday in my blog.. u can see here

KY said...

the whole point of smart tunnel being smart is that it diverts water during heavy rain, and transport cars when it isn't. The tunnel is just doing what it's designed to do. clam down. :D