Friday, April 18, 2008

Stupid activists

I am getting fed-up with all the calls to boycott Beijing Olympic, boycott China, free tibet, so and so forth. It's getting to a stage where people are no longer using their brain to think, they just stuff their brain into their ass and left with empty headed.

Why is there so much fuss about Beijing Olympic? Isn't that's just a sports that help every 4 years, and it's the biggest sports event on earth? Why must all these stupid fucking ass activists stage such protest against China? Are they doing something very wrong recently until they deserve such treatment?

If the world is against China to stage the event, then it should not be awarded to them in the first place 8 years back. And why choose now, before the Olympic to have such demonstrations around the world against China?

China doesn't attack other countries like the American did. China do not invade other countries like American and Iraq did. China do not kill innocent people like Japanese did. China do not sell weapon of mass destruction like Iran and American did. China do not launch a space missile to guide the world like American did. So what the fuck is all these protests and demonstration are all about?

Perhaps the American and Europeans are afraid of the treat China poses in front of them in term of economic, stability, and resources. China contain 20% of the world populations, and it's not easy to manage such a populated country like them, and to be frank they've done a good job in keeping the whole of China peace and harmony..... until lately some stupid fucking idiots' act against them.

It's like a plot by the westerners against China so that the world will have a bad impression on China over the coming months and they also urging those stupid monks to run riots in the Tibetans' town and causing some casualties there. Tibetans have been living like this for years, and it couldn't be changed suddenly. There must be someone behind that is brain-washing these unexpose people so they will fight against the wrong reason, in order for them to achieve their motives.

Believe it or not, all these tension and rioting will soon lie in peace once Olympic games are over because they know very well what will happen if this happen after the Olympic games. Sincerely I do not have any sympathy towards these coward people since they do not want peaceful life, then just give it what they want. And to all those who creating these problems, just wait and see what happen next. You will regret all that's happened.

Especially for those coward monks like Dalai Lama, just shut the fuck up and get on with what you suppose to do Do not mix religion with politic, and Lama suppose a religion representative, not politician. To those who supported Tibet monks for independent, just jump down from the temple to the foot of the mountain. You should be ashame of what you are doing.

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