Monday, October 1, 2007

Another 'BUMI' Jibe!

Why on earth that government must implemented Bumi quotas into foreign company? Are they competitive enough to earn their place in there?

My answer is definitely not. Otherwise government would not need to enforced such law to protect their "bumis" friends. If they are good enough, these company would be more than happy to take them in without the enforcement of such law. If they are not, then they would be require to take a hide, or else the company will have to looks else where for business partnership!

To me I think there will be no different if these foreign company investing whether in Vietnam or Indonesia. These two countries would be more than happy to welcome their arrival as these investors will generate incomes for the country, whereas Malaysia government is afraid these investors will take everything out from here and back to their respective country!

Come on, please! What do you (Malaysia) have that others don't? Oh at least one! "SAYA NANTI RASUAH"; "Malaysian 1st ever Astronaut"; "Malaysia Boleh" etc. All these are irrelevant and waste of time and money things that only Malays can think of doing! They'd rather spend time thinking of such unproductive things than doing something more productive. Like Mat Rempits, if they really like bike racing, then do it the professional way, not waving through streets and traffic dangerously. I would not feel a bit of sympathy if these mat rempits died of accident, but will only sympathy those hurt or injured by this. And be honest, almost all mat rempits are BUMIs. (Sorry but it's well and truely proven fact)

So Malaysia Boleh! Mat Rempit Boleh! Everything Boleh!

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