Wednesday, October 17, 2007


For the last few weeks, we can see or rea news that prices for lots of daily used stuffs will be increase in the coming months if not weeks. These prices increased would add more burden to all the consumers, and eventually lead to a higher rate of inflatin.

Wonder if our salary "inflation" rate would increase accordingly to that? Hope it would but that would be impossible, as most bosses, notably "China-Man" company bosses would say due to prices increase, the expenses of company will increase too. Hence no such "inflation" of salary for employees.

I remember few years ago, someone worked out if a person earn RM3000 per month it would be just barely enough to survive. If that person still have some spare times, it would be much appreciated you could work out the current minmum salary a person must earn to survive today!

Our government always mentioned we have one of the lowest living cost in the region, but the true fact is that it is true if we are calculating it in USD or some international currency. What they have not mention is our earning in USD. If we are to combine the two together, I can loudly say our spending power is way below our neighbouring countries, let alone the world.

Maybe it's time for us to realise we need to get 2 jobs in order for us to sustain our daily life and cut down the enjoyment of life. (This apply to those who work for someone / some company)

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