Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Why are there so many foreign workers in Malaysia?

Why we (Malaysia) has to "import" so many foreign workers from neighbouring countries? Isn't our country has no enough people to work? Maybe the problem doesn't lies with people, it lies with money.

Imagine how can you survive with a few hundred Ringgit monthly salary with cost of living getting higher day by day. This leads to another possible view why our government servants all like "drinking coffee". They can hardly survive with few hundred bucks salary,especially those with family to feed.

Foreign workers from poorer neighbouring country will see this as a good salary comparing to their home country and for most cases, accommodation is provided, which they will be able to work and save most money they could to bring home, but not for us, Malaysian here!

According to the latest stats, we have around 2.5 million foreign workers in the country and the number still increases. I think there's no cure for this as long as salary is still at such level, and our country will eventually being flooded with foreigners making a living, and yet our own residence will be forced out!


Anonymous said...

well, thats not 100% accurate. There are many malaysians who just DON'T want to take up jobs that they consider too low class. Allot of times, many Malaysians would rather go unemployed then take some jobs.

Unknown said...

To nicktay,

Thanks for correction. That's just my thought at that time. I do agree with your point as well, some Malaysian rather unemployed than taking low class job

Anonymous said...

If you want a job then work for it. Stop complaining. These foreign workers are the backbone to the country. Any country.