Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Red Alert!

Another snatch thieve killing an innocent person.

What has happen? Why these news keep coming in? Has Malaysian law fading away? Or is it Malaysian law is now called Abdullah Law?

Some drastic and strong action need to be taken immediately to cut down such cases, as well as to put the thieves off thinking for such way to make a living. My personal view on this is that government has done very little, perhaps nothing to protect us from such case and we all will have to depend on cooperation among ourself to ensure our own safety.

One of the way to bring down such cases can be imposing a heavy punishment for offenders like having their fingers cut, multiple slashes, imprisonment, parading publicly and stoned by publics, etc.

Nowadays I'm worry about my family, friends and partner safety. Is there anothing we could do to stop this?


Anonymous said...

what can we do? I am sure all of us have the same feeling as you.. scare, feel unsafe in this land.

Wise catcher said...

A wise man has to take the decision himself to protect him and his family. No one else can guarantee your life. Wise people are always being alert. They know how to make a topic viral. A small crowd can catch that thief easily. There is a wise saying that It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project. By Napoleon Hill. Always remember this wise quote and try to do it yourself.