Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Read newspaper this morning and noticed one of the top leader from MCA urging Malaysian do not vote for cheats. I think this statement is very very true and public should not vote for cheats.

For whom the cheats he referred to may be different from what we (majority of us I suppose) refer to. I think we should be matured enough and wise enough to see who the cheats really are. We have been given them so much time to prove their worthiness, given them opportunity to help us for the last 4 years, let alone the last 50 years, but what do we get?

After the most one-sided 11th election, we all are convinced the new cabinet will bring more bright future to the public, and we will get the opportunity we may not enjoy before. What happen after? All we got is all sort of problems, corruptions, unfair treatments, and many more cases which is not convenient to mentioned here.

With no disrespect, I felt a lot of our thoughts and voices were heard, and swallow down the throat by the party and not heard anywhere else in the cabinet, which probably is forbidden to do so since 2003 and anyone disobey will end up like Datuk Seri C*** KC and C*** SL. That's the price you pay for not following the instruction. So can we really trust MCA anymore?

As most voters are at least an inch wiser now, we should really see who the cheats are in this case and truely I hope public will vote for someone who can work for public, help the public, and bring forward together the society, and most importantly listen to public constantly, not once every 4 years.

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