Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Koh vs Samy vs Ong

Election over now and let see what's happening to those expected winners who lost, personally or party as a whole.

PPP chief Dr Koh lost his election to opposition party and he immediately assumed responsibility of unable to lead the party to another victory by offering his resignation, but the party members persuaded him to stay on. The way he handed over the state government to Lim Guan Eng also shown his gentleman side as well. He hid nothing and he even invited the incoming CM to have a short tour around the office and brief discussion on what's need to be completed etc. He acted in a very gentle and respectable way, which is why most of the public still have a lot of respect for him.

Dato Seri Ong Ka Ting won his election in Johor, but MCA lost out to opposition many of their strengtholds, which resulted in him rejecting any ministry post to concentrate on rebuilding MCA in order to win the trust of public again. He also did not hide away from his responsibility of failure to gain more seats in state and parliment, and he's order all MCA members to learn from lesson and do their best to win back the heart of public. He even accepted failure in leading the party and he is determine to improve the services given to public provided he succeeding being re-elected as MCA President in the coming MCA General Election. This is very encouraging and gentle as he's not afraid of being booted out and he shows he learnt from lesson as well.

Dato Seri Zainuddin who also lost in his participation in the election, also admitted failure and assumed responsibility for his part. He urge all selected members to learn from lesson and serve the public better, and public is their priority. He also congratulated opposition won, and this is an encouraging sign.

There are few more which I do not mention because all of them shall be given credit for their act and sense of responsibility. Except one particular losing candidate, who still have the guts to vowed to fight on and rebuild the party. His name is SV.

Samy looks like has not learn his lesson, and he still living in wonderland that thinking all MIC followers still backing him for another term in MIC office. I think he still not realise he's been toppled and that his time as any sort of minister, senator, MB etc is over, and that there are long list of people waiting and wanting him to be boot out.

Probably just like what most people said, his face skin is thicker than his thick hair (wig) and that he doesn't feel ashame of what's been achieve by his so call downlines. He still think he can rule the party like before and people do not dare to question whatever he does.

Come on Samy! Your time's up and just retire and let the younger generation to fight for your pride, instead of yourself.

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