Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ahmad Said vs Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

Mercedes versus Proton Perdana had dominated some of the headlines for the last few days and yesterday it was pushed to a new height. Terengganu MB, Ahmad Said defied order from cabinet to use the newly purchased Mercedes E200K to travel for various meeting and ceremony.

It looks like the MB is playing with fire against the soft-looking PM, and he sounds like testing the PM to the limit now. All the officers weren't told not to use the car and sure most of the people are eagerly awaiting to test drive their new machine to various places.

So what can Badawi do against Ahmad Said now? I just don't understand why Badawi allows the officers to 'use' the luxury car for VIPs and attending some 'grand functioning' only. He may be forgotten to stess further what he meant by those, and there's no absolute definition for the words he said.

So we couldn't find fault of Ahmad Said and his officers using those cars, nor could Badawi take any displinary action against Terengganu state officers. They are doing it within their rights, and also power. All Badawi could do now is to investigate what leads up to all this fiasco, and what are the real culprit behind all these. Maybe it all traced back to his regimes of ex-MB and state government.

I even read a suggestion from somewhere that to sell all Mercedes and state government to compensate all loses! If this is the case, then what about those ex-officers who's been using the unreliable Proton Perdana, which cost more in repair than a brand new car! Aren't they suppose to pay back the unidentified amount too? If yes then Federal Government should pay back to state government what's due!

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