Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pak Lah to step down in Mid-2010

Pak Lah finally announced his intention to step down as PM in mid-2010. That's some sort of good news for everyone I guess, not least Najib Razak, who's been licking at the opportunity to be the next PM.

In another niew, from now till June 2010 there's still about 2 years and so much could happened within these 2 years, especially with all kind of speculations flying around. Pak Lah is calculating that when time comes, if Najib is still involve in some sort of speculated cases, I think Pak Lah will then come out to say he will carryon until these cases is fully settled and closed.

Question here is will these cases solved and closed? Is Najib the right choice of next PM? Is Pak Lah discounting all the hypes going around now to topple him soon? Can the opposition bring down Pak Lah before the next GE?

Probably by the time Najib will be in deep shit and Pak Lah will just recommend another young, energitic and aggresive deputy to assist him, and due to his inexperiences, Pak Lah will continue to hold him post for at least another term until his 'Deputy' learnt and able to lead the party!

So who's this young, energitic and aggresive next generation of Deputy In Waiting? You all should know!

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