Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bandar Mahkota Farce

Do Grand Saga has the right to block the exit at Bandar Mahkota? State government already stated that piece of land belongs to State Government, and Grand Saga has no right or whatsoever to block it from public usage. So authority blaming people taking the law into their own hand should revise their statement, in turn blaming Grand Saga of such act.

The road has already been built in the area for years, but due to some unclarified term and clause, public doesn't know Grand Saga actually can't block the road because they don't own the land. People around Bandar Mahkota has been cheated by the previous government because of some hindered clause signed between them and Grand Saga.

I presume Grand Saga must be paying a handsome amount of money so they would block the road from being used. Hence forcing residents to use their paid highway. This is very unfair and thanks to all residents and voters in the area to vote for Pakatan Rakyat, that this issue is brought open to let the people know what the previous government has done to us.

It also shows that these blood sucking companies are working in their own interest, and they just don't care for public. They know very well residents got to use the road, and although they object, they still have to use and pay no matter how.

Thanksfully to the change of political power recently, we will witness more and more such cases being expose to public. It is time we, the citizens stand up and fight against those unfair rulers and clause, and make it transparent and clear to public the exact contract signed. For example PLUS is revising its toll rate. Why? It is largely due to pressure inserted by PR to disclose the contract signed, and as promised by Samy Vellu, still we have yet to see it after almost 3 years on because there's no pressure from anyone back then. It's a totally different scenario now.

Comm'on PR! Do what you should do! Expose all these ministers rotten acts! Kick them out of the parliament house! Send them to jail! and send them to h***!

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