Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sexy School Uniform?

National Islamic Students Association VP, Munirah Bahadi stated that white blouse worn by students are too sexy and transparent. This may lead to increase of rape and sexual harrasment cases. How true is this and why this only been mentioned now, not years ago when they started wearing white blouse?

I think it's very stupid of Munirah to state such suggestion. White blouse has been used by all students eversince god long time ago and why isn't then have such high rate of rape and sexual harrasement cases? Why only now it happened and we need to change the colour of school uniform? Does what he said make any kind of senses? I think most probably not. He's trying to make a name for himself by giving out some outrages idea so people will get to know him.

If white colour blouse is sexy and transparent, why would nurses wearing white as well? Isn't that will cause the wilderness of patients when visiting hospitals? Whether it's Malay'sBaju Kurung or non-Malays' standard blouse, I don't think it will make much different to sexual harrasement cases. What's the real reason for rise in rape and sexual harrasement cases is all down to educations.

I think it's partly, not all our educational system's problem. Just over 10 years ago internet is not very popular yet, you can't get much information from the net, and most children may not even own a computer at home, let alone hooking up to internet. So with the change of time, people tends to get to internet easier, and with the improvement of today's IT, people can get connected to various sites at a click. That's another reason why parents nowadays can't really control their kids from surfing web.

The relationship between our educational system and IT is that we don't teach sexual education in school, and due to curiousity, kids tends to surf internet to find their answer. Unfortunately there's no censorship for internet. So kids tends to get much more info than they required. Without a proper guidance and educate, they tends to imitating what they've learnt / seen.

In another words, there are too many perverts out there who targetting students because they wearing white blouse, and it's inciting their urge for sex to overcome their mind. Hence the real rape or sexual harrasement victims are to be blamed because they wear such sexy blouse. Or Munirah himself is a pervert that he is looking at all the students wearing white. Maybe, just maybe it's the case.

So it's not entirely school uniform to be blame for the increase of sexual harrasement cases, but it's mainly because of IT. If school uniform was the culprit, I'm sure government would have changed it long long time ago, not waited until you moron Munirah suggested.


Dek Mat said...

Indeed, i doubt that there is any strong statistic of sexy nurses wearing white uniforms getting raped in hospitals.. sigh we malaysians are getting short sighted!

Nadia said...

i think munirah is dellusional. Or maybe she's from another planet

Nadia said...

i think munirah is dellusional. Or maybe she's from another planet

CY said...

Erm... Munirah is female. Makes her statements even more ridiculous now, isn't it?