Sunday, May 4, 2008

Media Freedom

Malaysia media and press freedom ranking has rose slightly onto 141st in the world out of 190+. Our government is so proud of this rised, and more so they were ranked higher than its bitter rival and neighbour, Singapore.

Hooray and well done Malaysia!

What's there to be cheerish at? Is 141st out of 190+ good? Are we, Malaysian really enjoying the media freedom and speech? After this so called political tsunami on 8th of March 2008, have they learnt? No is the answer. Not only they don't learn, yet they are blaming too much freedom is given to the press and media, which is the main caused for their lost.

You are probably right to say so, but with today's IT people will get access and news through various channels. Controlling the press and media will only back firing on yourself, and people especially the younger generation is exposes more to the technology aspect. So that's probably one of the reason of BN's defeat at most areas.

Also given the freedom to press and media, do they really can published what they and public thought? Of course they could, but very soon someone will visited them, named ISA. So they could give all the freedom to the medias, but there's always someone watching your acts, and if anything's not right, you are there!

Last but not least, all Malaysia's major media companies are owned by BN associated companies, like Sinchew and Nanyang Dailies belongs to MCA's subsidary, NST belongs to UMNO's subsidary, Utusan belongs to this, that press belongs to the other etc........ The list goes on endless, and they could granted the media to publish what they liked and wanted, just when an instruction from top given all has to be taken out! Otherwise licence will not be renewed, like the tamil press, who lost its licence, but reinstated after some protest!

So to give full media freedom, first remove ISA, and secondly all MCA and UMNO and MIC must be detach from the media and press company and being run and operated independently!

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