Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Raja Petra Jailed

What has Raja Petra did that he deserve to summon to court, and now waited for his trials in October? Has he done something harmful to anyone (bar those related in his blog) that granted his treatment like this? Our government always mentioned they allow freedom of speech and media, but this one shows their contradiction against their own words.

Petra was charge under ISA and he was taken into custody because he "can't afford" to pay the bail. Poor Raja Petra he now has to wait in cell until october before he could breath some fresh air outside. Probably he's trying to proof something here! We will see what and how.

In the parlimentary proceeding yesterday, Lim Kit Siang asked why was Raja Petra taken away under ISA? Has he done something more harmful than blasting apart an innocent weaponless, harmless girl's life? What he says probably hurting someone, and this particular section of people are now showing their "true colour". That's what they called freedom, and democratic. Yeah we all believe you!

Another scenario is when asked, this stupid fat MP, Bung something started at Lim Kit Siang and he himself said before the Altantunya case come to conclusion, it should be seen as trial ongoing, and no one should be charge or taken away because of their comments on this case. This is just another prove that current crop of useless BN reps are very good at this kind of situation, all thank to Pak Lah. They've learnt nothing better than this from Pak Lah!

Afterall we should be thankful to Pak Lah for being able to pass one of his major skill into all his sarbodinates. We have all the while been criticising him for his incapability to take control of government, inability to take charge of his cabinet, and many other things. Thank god for once Pak Lah proved us wrong. Now at least he's able to see his strength in his sarbodinate. We shall expect more of this to come in the very near future, butnot for long hopefully.

All and all, we shall wait and see what happen to Raja Petra and what government will do now to recapture their image as "Malaysia government". All these MPs are going aggresive now and I would not be surprise if more people are taken away under this damn ISA thingy!


Khairul H. said...

RPK was not charged under ISA. If you are detained under ISA you won't be given an opportunity to post bail. They just lock you up for 2 years or more.

RPK went to his cell not because he "can't afford" to post the bail (c'mon, you don't think he doesn't have RM5000?) but because he did not want to post bail.

I think he did the right thing. This would make the Altantuya case more popular. The people have forgotten about the case now. But thanks to RPK, her murder, RPK's blog and Najib will gain more attention from the public.

RPK's hearing will be on October. See u there!

Khairul H. said...

Typo: that should be "you think he doesn't have RM5000?" and not "you don't think he doesn't have RM5000?"