Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bocor Lagi

It's been spent millions of ringgit to repair the parliament house roofing , but still there are leakage every now and then! So is the contractor doing a good or up to standard job after obtaining such a 'BIG' contract? Are they qualify to secure such contracts?

Before this Samy Vellu said RM 20mil is spent for QS and contractor to repair the parliament house roofing so to solve the problem once and for all. When first day of parliament proceedings after 12th General Election, one of the minister proudly annouce to reporters that after repair there won't be any leakage anymore for parliament house! They are proud of the RM 20 mil well spent.

Barely less than a month after mentioning this, we witness or rather hear that parliament house leaks again! So what on earth has they done to patch up the leakages in the roof? What sort of work has been done to rectify the problem? We know roofing problem is one of the most difficult job for any buildings, but RM 20 mil is a huge amount for repairing roofing of a building. So we anticipated a good job being done to solve this problem once and for all. We, Malaysian tax payers don't even argue with that amount anymore, just let it solve the problem once and for all.

Now again there's leakage, so how much it will need to rectify this leakage now? Who should assume all responsibility should leakages happen again and again? Do Malaysia government have that much of RM 20 mil to spend on the parliament house roofing?

Maybe I have an idea. The idea may sound stupid, but I think it's more worthy than keep repairing the roofing! My idea is scrap the whole parliament house and rebuild a new one, with all the latest technology and best water proofing materials being use so there's no reason for leakages happen anymore. Otherwise our parliament house will be like what Bung Mokhtar once famously said "Monthly leakages like women"

P/s: Sorry no offence to ladies outthere. Just use the term describe by Bung Mokhtar. Apologise if upsetting anyone outthere!

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