Saturday, May 17, 2008

Probe into Lingamgate Fiasco

Since the Royal Commission of Inquiry is starting a probe on the six involved in the Lingam video clip issue, we the public and all media should let the commission to investigate thoroughly the whole case and issue without inputting all sort of comments.

No one should make any comment pertaining the case until the full inquiry is completed, and we shall just wait and see what's the outcome of the investigation prior to commenting. We shall just act like watchdog on the investigation and make sure there's no external influence by any outsiders, and that investigation shall be independently carryout!

What we all want is for a fair investigation and trial on those who involved, and if found guilty, they should serve their punishment like all criminals. We've seen too many cases in the past that government influenting the investigation and outcome. Hopefully this time it will be the other way or else we would just have another 'Altantunya Murdering Trial'

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