Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another Sign of Pak Lah Cracking

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is under pressure now and he's yet again showing sign of cracking under pressure.

Few days ago he told all Babi Negara MPs to support their stance of fuel price increase and action will be taken on those who oppose. This is a threat to MPs, who think it's not right, yet they have no choice but to cast supporting vote to Babi Negara. Is this what stupid badawi said all along a freedom?

Today he again openly defended Najib and his ugly wife on the Altantunya murder case. He declared he doesn't believe Najib and his wife would commit such act and action will be taken against RPK.

What the fuck are you talking about? The case is not even come to conclusion and RPK reported on what he "knows" and telling the "truth". Maybe badawi is sleeping all along in the office in Putrajaya for too long he doesn't even know what's the law meant. No one should be charge or prosecuted before a case is concluded, and moreover he's not a lawyer. He's merely a disrespectful PM who only know how to fuck his new "old wife". He knows nothing about what's going on surrounding and he doesn't even has a clue what he's talking about.

Supporting your deputy is one thing. Taking action against someone who accusing your deputy is another issue. How can he mix these two up. Is he practising his gangster act now? Is he threaten RPK to shut up and retreat his comment? Is najib and his wife really committed the murder case, and badawi is trying everything to cover him up?

I really don't believe in the hearing and the final verdict on Razak Baginda because from close source information, Razak Baginda is a scapegoat, and at the end nothing will happen to him because he's really innocent. badawi is making up a story to cover up najib and co for their committed crime, and badawi is fully supporting his deputy to keep up their reputation.

Sorry badawi, najib, your wife and co, this case is exposed all over the world and everyone knows who's the real murderers are. And only send them to hell would do the demised justice. As for badawi once the truth exposed, the only way for you to go is to find your first demised wife, Datin Seri Paduka Endon! (Sorry if mis-spell)

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