Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Method of Preventing AIDS

Deputy health minister today advice women to carry condom along with them when out on street. This is kind of new idea I haveever heard from a stupid moron minister.

Carry along condom? What's the purpose for? Avoid being infected by AIDS. This is the most ridiculous suggestion by this moron, and after saying that, he immediately clarify he didn't intend to insult women, but his speech itself already hurts millions women out there regardless of his follow up explaination.

From his suggestion, it sounds like it's all women's fault in getting infected by AIDS. He's blaming women for causing AIDS to be widespread out there. He's meaning men are forgiven for spreading AIDS around because women didn't carry condom along. What kind of stupid idea has this moron got.

Maybe he's just one of the fuckers out there infected by AIDS and now he's shifting blames to women. I just couldn't believe what IQ level all our ministers are at. Looks like it's getting worst. One after another we could hear everyday to comment with such outrages and disgusting and nonsense suggestion etc. It seems like all ministers now are virtually brain damaged by the recent election, and all their brains need overhauling!

Imagine if this news is published in overseas, what kind of reaction would he cause?


Anonymous said...

Think about it. It's not that ridiculous a suggestion for women to carry condoms with them in their purses. It encourages condom usage when there is a need to and this is very relevant to our current sex culture which is now more open. Women can play their part in safe sex in his way. That being said, men should also shoulder the same responsibilities.

I think it is valid advice coming from the deputy health minister in light of recent HIV/AIDS figures in Malaysia. The delivery of the message could have been better but the essence of it is once I again lke I said, valid.

Ivan said...

I agree with Anon (8:40pm). While the message could have delivered better, I believe it's not a bad idea for women to carry condoms too - equally men should do the same.

This is of course not to say that every man and woman has to carry a condom everywhere they go. But for those who are sexually active, it is a good start to encourage them to start having safe sex and promote the awareness on the importance of using a condom when having sex. It helps to prevent the chances of getting sexually transmitted disease and AIDS.