Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Special Area in Parliament House

Another outrages thing happen in our beloved parliament house. This time the target being reporters. Malaysia Boleh!

Lots of reporters found out they had a new specially designated area for carrying out their job. It's such a considerate person, who's cracking his head, allocated such a special, isolated and safe place for reporters. So reporters should say million thanks for such consideration.

As to what's the actual reason for doing so we won't know, but one thing certain is today's press and speech freedom had put off too many Barisan's MPs so they finally found some temporary solution to prevent reporters or journalists from getting close to MPs.

Probably MPs had been complaining for being asked too much questions and mostly difficult to be answered. Therefore in order to avoid such scenario, the only way is to isolate these "troublesome" reporters and journalists from getting close.

One kind MP, who's not afraid of such scenario, volunteerily remove the barricade and allow journalists and reporters to make their move towards MPs, but only to be told "NO"! It's a clear intention this brainless, disrespectful, uneducated, rude and fat outspoken MP is doing so to gain publicity from journalists and reporters. He doesn't need to do so because his behaviour is well known throughout the world!

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