Sunday, June 22, 2008

Show your support

PM asking all MPs to support their motion of fuel price rise. DPM urging the same, and of course the whte haired Shahril. So when PM say so, we must listen and support. No question to be ask. No other alternative way and only support whatever they say! The decrease in fuel subsidy will enhance government's financial state, and it can brings development to the country. (Really???)

The government is prepare to table the motion to increase fuel price yet another time within space of a month, maybe, and we all must believe and support this. It's a word from PM and if we do not support, who else will?

People's life must change to accommodate today's high fuel price. It's not government's fault that fuel price rise to its level today, and all blame could go to those traders outthere in the market who pushes the price to this level. There's nothing government could do to stop this and we, the poor citizens must bear all consequences and eventually "change" our lifestyle. ( I doubt it!)

Why must we change? Government also changing their lifestyle in cutting various allowances by 10% and saving the country up to RM 2 bil. Mind you that there are only tens of MPs in the parliaments today. So we must do our part in saving bits by bits, which if in large quantity, may equate, or even exceeding those saved by government. We must work hand in hand with government and support the government to get through this difficult time! (Are they really in difficult time and understand what people are going through?)

Maybe that should be the right things for Malaysians to do now. Nonetheless, do we have a choice to say no? Can we change anything from this? Is this government done enough for us? Can our change of lifestyle effectively fighting off these price increases? Will we ever get a fair treatment from this government? (We can demonstrate and voice our dissatisfaction. However ISA is waiting for you)

Appreciate your comments here please!

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